Usability-Papst Jakob Nielsen in seiner Alertbox über Information Pollution. Zusammenfassung: "Excessive word count and worthless details are making it harder for people to extract useful information. The more you say, the more people tune out your message." ... "Each little piece of useless chatter is relatively innocent, and only robs us of a few seconds. The cumulative effect, however, is much worse: we assume that most communication is equally useless and tune it out, thus missing important information that's sometimes embedded in the mess." ... "Studies of content usability typically find that removing half of a website's words will double the amount of information that users actually get. Let's clean up our information environment. Are you saying something that benefits your customers, or simply spewing word count? If users don't need it, don't write it. Stop polluting now."
(derzeit nur auf englisch, bald sicher auch auf deutsch).